Christiana Lutheran Church
A NALC Congregation
Salisbury, North Carolina
6190 Hwy 52, Salisbury, NC 28146
Office: 704-279-4655 Fax: 704-279-1595
Office Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30-1:30; Fri 8:30-12:00
Our Pastor

Pastor Lucas R. Safrit
Serving as Pastoral Intern beginning in November of 2024, Lucas Safrit is a candidate for ordination currently Endorsed for Internship in the North American Lutheran Church. Born on October 16th, 1995, Pastor Lucas began his first two years of life as a member of Christiana, being baptized here in January of 1996. A graduate of Jesse C. Carson High School, he went on to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in History from Catawba College in 2018. After receiving the call into Pastoral Ministry during undergrad, Pastor Lucas attended Wake Forest School of Divinity, graduating with an Master's Degree of Divinity (MDiv) in 2021. From October 2021 until September 2024, He led the congregation of Ebenezer Lutheran Church in China Grove, NC as its Synod Authorized Minister (SAM). Transitioning from the ELCA to the NALC in the fall of 2024, Pastor Lucas accepted the call from Christiana to serve as its Pastoral Intern. He was subsequently Entranced and Endorsed by the NALC Candidacy Committee in Bedford, Texas in October, and began service to the Lord and the congregation of Christiana Lutheran on November 3rd, 2024. After completing the appropriate time in internship, and fulfilling necessary academic requirements of the NALS and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, "PL" will be eligible for acceptance into ordination, and fully intends to continue serving Christiana as an ordained Pastor.
Pastor Lucas is happily married to the love of his life, Megan Safrit, and together they have a daughter, Reagan, born in April of 2023. He currently is employed by Rowan-Salisbury School System as an American History and AP US History Teacher at West Rowan High School. An Eagle Scout, Pastor Lucas loves camping, hiking, and exploring waterfalls in the Blue Ridge Mountains. His hobbies include railroad history, Presidential history, and is a avid model railroader. In a sentimental way, Pastor Lucas is not the first member of the family to serve Christiana- his grandfather, the Rev. Don R. Safrit, served as our Pastor from 1978-1991.
"Pastor" is not just who I am... it's also WHAT I DO!"
~ Lucas R. Safrit, Pastoral Intern of Christiana Lutheran Church, 2024-Present