Christiana Lutheran Church
A NALC Congregation
Salisbury, North Carolina
6190 Hwy 52, Salisbury, NC 28146
Office: 704-279-4655 Fax: 704-279-1595
Email: office@christianalutheran.org
Office Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30-1:30; Fri 8:30-12:00
Confessing Jesus Christ as Lord,
and the Gospel as the
power of God
for the salvation
of all who believe.
Come see what Christiana is all about!
Jesus said, "Remain in me, as I also remain in you."
Do you know what it means to live the Christian life experientially? Are you interested in moving beyond church member and becoming a disciple of Christ? Is God calling you to serve the community and be where life giving ministries are an integral part of the congregation? Do you want to be where there's an exciting, vibrant youth experience? Perhaps God is leading you to a fresh start. Come be our special guest this Sunday morning at 10:30 and see if Christiana Lutheran Church in Salisbury, NC is the door you've been waiting for God to open. We look forward to seeing you!
Click HERE to learn more about Christiana's core values.

Become involved at Christiana!
Community Outreach
Make a difference in someone's life. Christiana supports many community outreach organizations with donations and volunteering. Click HERE for a partial list of the organizations we are actively supporting.
Service & Fellowship
So much is happening! Christiana's Fall Trunk-or-Treat and Car Show are just a couple annual events that draw hundreds in the community to our campus. Click HERE for these and more upcoming events.
Christiana's Youth Ministry is an exciting, Christ-centered experience for all age groups. Contact David Preslar for more information.
Brighten the Beacon!
Expanding the Fellowship Hall has been completed. Seating capacity is doubled, plus new multi-stall restrooms, a storage room and a 1,250 sq. ft. covered patio on the back! Let's continue to Brighten the Beacon! Stay tuned for the next exciting project.